Monday 9 September 2013

Data Representation

                            How Does A Computer Represent Data? using two unique binary digit 1 and 0to represent thetwo states of on and off.
       ......a computer circuit represents the 0 or the 1 electronically by the presence or absence of an electrical charge

*computer recognizes only two discrete electrical states (on and off)

BIT -is the smallest unit of data the computer can process ( BINARY DIGI)
       -the number of the system has two unique digit, 1(ON) or 0(OFF)
       -represents an electrical state (on or off)

BYTE-a group of  8 bits
         -represents a single character such as a digit, a letter, a punctuation mark, or any symbol in computer.

  • ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is the most widely used coding scheme to represent data

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